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Friday, 11 February 2011

Losing out on the me time before the party time!

The best part of going out is the initial, shopping/making the dress, spending plenty of crisp new notes on yourself and then the actual prep time before hand. Showering/bathing in Lush products which smell divine, moisturizing every inch of your body in decadent, expensive lotions and potions (for me simple and botanics, unfortunately I lack the money to purchase body shop and chanel). You get to peruse your nail varnish collection and select the prettiest, most sparkly one to decorate your toes and finger tips! Then you can get into your new outfit, do a twirl in the mirror, slip on your heels and dance through a pungent cloud of perfume (not patchouli oil!) You feel amazing and uber confident in the "suck-it-all-in knickers" and the "uber-too-tight-too-padded-push-it-all-north bra". You know that however great the evening will be or however shocking, it won't matter, for you feel fabulous!

Due to work shifts clashing with magical saturday nights, I get to go out on the town, smelling of bread from the bakery, cleaning products and work. My makeup is usually applied hastily or sometimes not even re-done at all! My legs feel shaky in the heels after spending 10 hours on my feet! I have scrawls of black biro across my hands stating lists of pastries to bake!

I would give anything for my Saturday nights back!


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