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Friday, 22 June 2012

And the rain came down.... is almost like we are not used to it. Here in the UK we should have developed a certain tolerance to the downpours, gale force winds and general rubbish summers. But as I sit here writing this, I can here the news, reporting the weather and my parents saying the mundane comments of , "look at that!", "It's raining....IN BLACKPOOL!!!" and "gosh, a months worth of rain"... but we know the UK well enough by now and to be quite honest I don't mind it!

Of course it is a pain when you have to be outside working in it, or as a news-worthy note, carrying an olympic torch in it but surely we should go out fully prepared and deal with it! Get a anorak, an umbrella and wellies in the worst case scenario!

I spent my day, after a healthy dose of shopping, curled up on my bed with the cat watching 'The Darjeeling Limited' (A film of high importance) I had a pot-noodle and some fizzy orange at hand and enjoyed the rain pitter-pattering on the window.

Some of the best 'alone days' I have had have involved rain! Simply because, when you awaken to an empty house and lie in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, you can listen to the rain. However heavy it makes you value your duvet world....the warmth....the solitude. You can then get up at whatever time you like, get some tea and toast and then retreat back to bedfordshire. No matter how heavily the rain falls, it doesn't matter, not when you are inside in the warmth with nothing to do and nowhere to go but please yourself. Spend your entire day in your pajamas if you like, big wooly socks and fun, animal shaped slippers. You can eat the best of comfort foods, mine is usually soup or on unhealthy days, a pot-noodle. Caffine is always essential, in the form of tea and coffee. Usually I take the opportunity to blog and surf the net, I would say at my own speed however our bad internet connection prevents me from even doing that.

All in all, I like to embrace the rain, it waters the flowers, washes away the streets grime and dust and makes lovely weather for the ducks.

Think about the last time you had a rainy day to yourself

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