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Tuesday, 15 February 2011

First Train Home...

A song that comes in handy when you are not necessarily feeling yourself. Imogen Heap sings it with such feeling but it is far from a miserable track. If anything it is like a greater gentle being has lifted up your soul and given it the attention it needs in your current circumstance. The bridge is playful and a beat ensued chorus completes it. "I want to run in fields, paint the kitchen, love someone. But I can't do any of that here, can I?" She sings it as the literal sense, I feel, about getting out and escaping a place that doesn't make her feel truly happy. I came to this conclusion through the repeated phrases, "got to get out now," and "got to get on it, first train home". When you have lost your zing, your zest and lots of other z words of life, this song means a lot to you. You can apply it in any situation and I have. To me, at this time, it means "you have to get out of this current thought process". I need to run in fields- free the bad and repetitive thoughts, paint the kitchen- new and fresh thoughts (mind spring clean and decoration, love someone- love myself. You can't enjoy your life if you are having an endless battle with how you look or how you behave. If you don't like them...change them! Learn to accept the things you can't change and do something about the ones you can. Be the person you would want to be friends with and love. Instead of looking for your ultimate idol/ inspirational being, become one! Inspire yourself and you will inspire others (I am aware that this post has begun to sound like a self help book (steer clear of those) but this was unintentional and you cannot help but admit feeling a lil' inspirational glow, i know i do...and thats all it takes)

(an aspiring idol)

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