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Friday, 20 June 2014

The Oven is slow... Thought Processes while tea cooks.

The oven is gently whirring and groaning under the strain of cooking my sad, lonely, one portion of fish fingers and chips. I have been awaiting this meal for at least half an hour now and expect that if I ordered fish n chips from a chippy I would now be in mid consumption as they can be ready in 5 minutes... *sigh*. Friday night and here I am bare foot in the kitchen, blogging in my pajama pants. I think there is too much hype over Friday nights. Friday nights for me are usually spent in wind down mode. I do go out partying eventually but for me I need a night to recover from the weeks hard graft at work.*Checks oven* The hype makes it that if you are not out getting sh*t faced of a Friday eve then you are not the majority, but with home made fish and chips who wants to fit in with everyone else... *sigh* 5 more minutes should do it. I actually had to root out my laptop and wipe the dust from its screen. I currently have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Blogger about multi-tasking. That is the thing I find scary about Twitter.... There is too much openness... I mean I am all for freedom and that but with no boundaries and subject points I struggle to tweet. *just inhaled my tea instead of chewing it* That was good even if there was crap service!
Hmmm, just seen a loan advert called Sunny- Each day gets brighter or something....are they aware they are advertising in Britain. Oh my favourite line from Big Bang Theory - "You can't ruin a friendship with sex, that is like trying to ruin ice cream with chocolate sprinkles!"

Think I better go now....this week has taken its toll on me!

First post in ages....what a let down it was!!!

Sincere apologies...

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