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Thursday, 21 June 2012

Why is this so?

I have many questions, this is why I have become a blogger...they go unanswered but atlest I have shared said questions with the world!!! One of them is this..." Where do farmers get all their bath tubs from?" Now for those out of the Lancashire area and who have never travelled up the fells, to the open air and the countryside, I ask this beacause on my hike yesterday, every field I passed had atleast one bath tub in it (filled with water for the cows) It puzzles me that farmers manage to find so many bath tubs....does this mean that more people are converting to the conventional walk-in shower? or does this mean more people are choosing to live a more unconventional lifestyle...minus a bath tub? This astounds me along with my phobia of cows....something I will never be able to come to terms with, especially since I reside in an area surrounded by fields of working farms.

This doesn't prevent me from living my life. If there is a fence between me and these black and white monsters I can deal with it but yesterday the inevitable happened....along the field.... and ALOT of cows! Aside from the fact that they were on the other side of the field I had a mini panic attack...I have never walked through a field as fast as I did this week! Wading through the grass that was up to my knees, sloshing through mud to get away from those Lancashire beasties!!!

And I tell I am always in search of the silver hips may ache today, but being in that field with all those cows has made me exercise more this week than my pathetic attempt at the gym on Monday...I feel strong....I feel powerful....I can take on the world minus the cows!!!

My way of revenge however is that I am no longer a vegetarian so...I eat particular beef....

"You will see me one day, shouting over a fence into a cow field, 'I EAT YOU!!!! What are you gonna do about it?" I think I may have just successfully turned half this blogs viewers veggie!

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