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Friday, 29 June 2012

This lack of sleep has to stop...

If it wasn't the cow last night, which blatantly insisted on mooing at the ridiculous hour of 10pm for 1 solid hour then it is my parents crowing with laughter at some inane dribble on the telly, or the rain hammering on the window or the wind whistling down the side of the house. This lack of sleep has to stop. I have been on all the early shifts this week, meaning a 5am get up or sometimes a 4.30am get up because of the God damn birds outside my window. Sometimes it'll be a mediocre 5 hours sleep and sometimes less. I head to bed at 8.30pm with the gold intention of sleeping through to the alarm beep but as soon as I lie seems impossible! The sunlight streams through the slither of window unable to be masked by the blind and all the wildlife decide to make a royal raucous outside my window. What propells them to do this I will never know.

It has gotten to the point where my voice is grovelly, I am making the most inane mistakes, permanently accident prone and I can't hold a thought (you think writing this blog post is hard? By Joe it is!) I don't see me being able to go on...unless I become one of those boring, work driven fools who live and breath their job, and then where would we be, well I would be posting about my job and nothing else....and I am pretty sure my page view numbers would go down. "I baked bread today....and cleaned.....lots of cleaning......and lots of bread" NOBODY CARES!!!

And conclusion and as a solution to my problem....Wine, Kalms, and scrubbing the tiredness from my face....I gotta pull through this rough phase and come out of it, still me, not a Booths-Baking-Zombie, but me....Eccentric Rach!


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