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Monday, 18 July 2011

Neglect is a horrible thing, but can be made better with tales of knitting!

My life has been a mad whirlwind of diary dates, work shifts and days of sleep. I am also "saving up" for a new, little notebook laptop so that I can blog on the move without hauling my huge, retro laptop down the stairs and having to sort through cables galore in order to hook it up to the world wide web!

I won't go into how sorry I am for leaving you for this will waste important post space when I can really cheer you all up with some tales of knitting! Some of you may already know that I have embarked on knitting my villages longest scarf! This project is on going and has sections of pastel rainbow wool, marbled pinks, pale blue, blueberry blue, purple, rainbow mix wool, pastel green, soft orange and red. Measuring in knitting terms, "taller-than-me", it is simply marvelous.

My Nanna found me a knitting book recently, from which I am embarking on knitting a bow-tie, hat, gloves, flowers, a carrot toy and the letter R! #NEW IDEA# I could knit the words, 'Eccentric Ramblings of Rach' in all different colours, take a picture and then have it as my blogs logo. This, I think, I shall save till I am a pro-knitter.

I promise to upload photos of my conquests when I hav completed them, maybe even make a page soley devoted to the ways of Knitting!


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