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Friday, 21 January 2011


Oh no Blogger, please don't shout at me!!! I have neglected you and all that you stand for!!!! I repent!!!!...*breath*.... Sorry I have been away for so long, Christmas came and went in this time, as did the new year (70's disco, more on this later) Many things have been and gone. I am now a fully converted Star Wars fan having purchased films 456 (which were made first, how confused I was) for 10 pence each in a little charity shop. Videotapes are fantastic! I rooted out an old video player from the studio and hooked it up to my TV in my room. I have not dared to use it for a week, due to damp it has made it its habit of chewing on the video tapes. Star Wars a New Hope, did not hope that would happen (fixed it now, so no worries). I have also gone back to my natural brown haircolour, bye bye red!!! I was however very tempted to leave the hairdressers straight after the bleaching process- I had it in mind that yellow/orange hair made me feel and look like Cyndi Lauper, which is always a good thing! Back onto the subject of the 70's disco on New Years Eve, I dressed as a flower child (didn't even need to make any new purchases, I just looked in my wardrobe) Rainbow face paint and I was all happy till we arrived at the village hall to find out of 100 guests, a meager 30 of us in fancy dress!!! Let down!!!! But I embraced it all the same, and even though a fellow worker was nearby, I didn't stop dancing the entire evening! First on the dance-floor and last off and I even threw a Jive in!!!!


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